Frequently Asked Questions


Our treatment for Billbugs includes a systemic insecticide that is taken up into the plant's root system. This treatment is applied before the pests lay their eggs in late spring so that when hungry larvae emerge, the insecticide will protect the plant from being eaten. 

When you experience irregular brown or bare patches in your lawn, call for a professional evaluation to determine the most accurate way to treat your lawn. 

two small black winged bugs in grass causing damage and leaving bare spots or dead spots. professional fertilization, weed control, grub control, insect, and aeration from rolling green turf care. Algonquin, Arlington Heights, Barrington
small black winged bugs in grass causing damage and leaving bare spots or dead spots. professional fertilization, weed control, grub control, insect, and aeration from rolling green turf care. Algonquin, Arlington Heights, Barrington, Buffalo Grove

Adult Billbugs can vary in color from brown to black and have long snouts. They lay their eggs in May and June in the crown of the grass blade.  The resulting larvae look similar to White Grubs, yet they lack legs and have a distinctive humpback.  It is the larvae that do the most damage by eating their way out of the grass blade. By chewing to survive, they kill the grass plant. The adult Billbug overwinters in leafy growth or holes to start the cycle over again in the spring.  It is important to correctly identify each lawn pest because timing and treatment vary based on the pest. 

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